Make your own game in Python !

Divya Kelaskar
2 min readMay 9, 2020


Hi there !

Today I will share some tips to make a simple stone paper scissor game in python. The game will be a Human vs Computer game.

✔️ Import the random module by the following:

import random


So that computer will generate its own choice.

💡 Place a infinite while loop (You don’t have to run program again and again.)

while True:

✔️ State the rules of the game.

# Rules of the game   
print("""Enter your choice :
a. Press '1' to select 'Stone'.
b. Press '2' to select 'Paper'.
c. Press '3' to select 'Scissor'.\n""")

✔️ Take the input from the user according to the rules mention above.

user_choice = int(input("Enter YOUR choice: "))

✔️ Code the condition when user gives input out of the range.

while user_choice > 3 or user_choice < 1:
user_choice = int(input("Enter valid input: "))

✔️ Assign numbers to the user’s choice.

if user_choice == 1: 
choice_name = 'Stone'
elif user_choice == 2:
choice_name = 'Paper'
choice_name = 'Scissor'

✔️ Let the computer select its choice and then assign numbers to the computer’s choice.

computer_choice = random.randint(1, 3)  # Assigning numbers to the computer's choices
if computer_choice == 1:
computer_choicehoice_name = 'Stone'
elif computer_choice == 2:
computer_choicehoice_name = 'Paper'
computer_choicehoice_name = 'Scissor'

✔️ Write the main logic of the game.

if((user_choice == 1 and computer_choice == 2) or
(user_choice == 2 and computer_choice ==1 )):
print("Paper wins !!! \n", end = "")
result = "Paper"
elif((user_choice == 1 and computer_choice == 3) or
(user_choice == 3 and computer_choice == 1)):
print("Stone wins !!! \n", end = "")
result = "Stone"
print("Scissor wins !!!\n", end = "")
result = "Scissor"

✔️ Declare the result.

if result == choice_name: 
print("\nYOU WIN !!!\n")
print("\nCOMPUTER WINS !!!\n")

✔️ Ask a replay question and also code the condition to break the infinite while loop.

print("Do you want to play again? (y/n)") 
ans = input()
if ans == 'n' or ans == 'N':

🎉 That’s it! Isn’t it easy? Now you have your own game to play!

You can also refer my GitHub repo:

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