Guess the number with Python !

Divya Kelaskar
2 min readMay 14, 2020


Today I will be sharing tips for making a “Guess the number” game with the Python programming language.

Let’s begin !

👉 Import the random module to generate the numbers randomly in the game.

import random

💡 Introduce a infinite while loop.

👉 Generate a random number, initialize the chances to zero.

while True:    print("\nN U M B E R   G U E S S I N G   G A M E") 
print("\nYou have 10 chances to guess the number.")
# randint function to generate the random number between 1 to 100
number = random.randint(1, 100)
""" number of chances to be given to the user to guess the number or it is the inputs
given by user into input box here number of chances are 10 """
chances = 0
print("Guess a number (1 - 100):")

👉 Add a while loop to count the number of chances used and take the input from the user.

# While loop to count the number of chances 
while chances < 10:
# Enter a number between 1 to 100
guess = int(input())

👉 Tally the user’s input with the guess number accordingly.

# Compare the user entered number  with the number to be guessed  
if guess == number:
""" if number entered by user is same as the generated number by randint
function then break from loop using loop control statement "break" """
print("Congratulation YOU WON!!!")
# Check if the user entered number is smaller than the generated number
elif guess < number:
print("Your guess was too low: Guess a number higher than", guess)
# The user entered number is greater than the generated number
print("Your guess was too high: Guess a number lower than", guess)

👉 Increase the value of the chances variable one at a time as the user will be using one chance at a time.

# Increase the value of chance by 1 as 1 chance is used
chances += 1

👉 Verify if the user has identified the number or not.

# Check whether the user guessed the correct number  
if not chances < 10:
print("YOU LOSE!!! The number is", number)

👉 Ask a replay question and break the infinite while loop.

ans=input("Do you want to play again (y/n) : ")    if ans != 'y' : 

🎉 That’s it! Wasn’t that simple ?
You can also refer my GitHub repo 👇 :

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